Bamboo Ventricosa – Size: 120cm

Bamboo Ventricosa – Size: 120cm


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A popular species for containers,Bambusa Ventricosa (Buddha Belly Bamboo) is decorative ever green bamboo noted for the swollen or bulging inter nodes of its canes resembling the fat belly  of the Buddha.Upright in habit at first, the canes tend to arch under the weight of the heavy foliage of long, dark green leaves, up to 7 in.(18cm). Very ornamental, this non-invasive tropical bamboo makes an impressive container plant and is an excellent choice for a privacy screen in warm-temperature conditions.

  • Grows up to 40-55 ft. tall (12-16m)and 30-40 ft. wide (9-12m) in its native environment. Will grow only 5-8 ft.tall(150-240cm) in containers.
  • A full sun to part shade lover, it is best grown in fertile, moist soils. Avoid overly wet soils
  • Great choice for hedges and screens and containers.
  • Remove weak, dead, damaged or spindly stems in spring and thin to show off stems to best effect. Cut out any flowering shoots promptly to discourage more from forming
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